EVERY DAY IS A GRAT DAY. Default writing direction.
Some text. Right-to-left direction.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Behind HMTP: Proud to be a part of Diklan :)

I wanna bring you flashback to my past when i were a member of HMTP, the students organization in my campus. HMTP was may first organization that i followed in one's sober senses. I don't remember what the interested thing that made me decided to be a staff of HMTP. Perhaps because i do love with all of the activity about social network, discussion with the team, sharing about anything and so on. I passed the interview that held by the leader and.... tadaaaaa..... I was the new staff of DIKLAN 2009, department which concern about education and intellectual activity.
I worked together with 13 persons (perhaps, i don't remember anymore :P) who had the capability of teamwork. We were a compact and profitable department than the other department in HMTP i think, even though not all of the staff gave the contribution, but it was never mind, we still good department. Why?? Because campus always supported the activity that held by DIKLAN. I'm not assuming great airs, but really Diklan is the great asset of HMTP to get the money from campuss, till now. and i proud of it.
You can see that almost the work program of Diklan was acceded by dean of campus and all at once we got the fund that could become money supply of HMTP itself.
From Diklan i knew some new experience such us how to held seminar show in campus, how to be a committee of congress and meeting, how to communicated with others who had higher position, and one of important thing is i learn how to be a trusted and reliable person without figured on the background of those person.
I wanna become a chosen man, not because they know who i am before or maybe they are familiar with my family or something, but because they "know" my capability and they respect of it. I think I've proofed that Diklan did it to me.
Diklan introduced me to IMPI (The assosiation of planner students). First forum of Impi was held in Semarang, around Kota Lama exactly. It was interested experience but in other hand i felt peevish with the people and the situation. I was wondered with the committee from  other university that had no capability anymore to held any agenda and i didn't even know what they were debate about. Second forum that i attended was held in my hometown, Solo City with Sebelas Maret University as a  hosted. Once again, i didn't pay attention with the discussion. I more interested about city tour. But i thought my friends felt a little bit disappointed of those touring, as what i felt.

First period of Diklan was finished, but as an old staff once again we had to be a part of this department in the next periode. So here I was, came back again in my beloved department:DIKLAN (2010). At this moment, i was not only as staff, but i was secretary of this department. I was to be gratefull that i was not a leader of this department because i thought i haven't ready anymore and i didn't know how to be responsible of may leadership. Anyway i enjoyed my experience to be a secretary. i had many friends who always supported me, i had staff who always respected me, and i had a great team that could work together.
Diklan is on off department that always be fulfilled of dedicated, responsible, capable, and intellect person. The prosperity of this department must be defensible now and forever. because Diklan always become reliable department. 
"Diklan Selalu Jadi Andalan"

Monday, February 1, 2010

Tugas Analisis Kasus Hukum Merek Dagang

Analisis Kasus Hukum Merek Dagang

“Mie Sedaap” Vs” Mi Sedaaap”

Mungkin tak banyak yang menyadari bahwa kedua merek tersebut sebenarnya berasal dari perusahaan yang berbeda. Sekilas produk tersebut memang sama, dilihat dari corak dan warna hurufnya pun hampir sama, tetapi setelah diamati terdapat perbedaan penulisan pada kata “sedap” di mana yang satu menuliskan dengan “aa” dan satunya lagi “aaa”.
Produk Mie Sedaap yang pertama, dibawahi oleh perusahaan WINGSFOOD merupakan  produk dengan merk “mi sedap” yang lebih dahulu muncul. Sedangkan pesaingnya, yaitu Mi Sedaaap atau lebih tepatnya Supermi Sedaaap, adalah merk yang kedua (merk tiruan) yang diproduksi oleh INDOFOOD. Jika di pasaran, konsumen yang kurang teliti akan menganggap kedua produk tersebut sama karena sebenarnya kata-kata “sedap” lah yang biasa didengar dan muncul di benak konsumen. Oleh karena itu saat mereka melihat tulisan “sedap” yang tertera di kemasan, tanpa sempat memperhatikan jumlah huruf “a”nya, mereka langsung membeli produk tersebut. Beberapa konsumen menganggap ”Mie Sedaap” dan ”Supermi Sedaaap” adalah satu produsen, apalagi Supermi bisa dikatakan sebagai induk dari semua mi instant di Indonesia, jadi bukan suatu hal yang mustahil jika masyarakat akhirnya lebih memilih ”Supermi” yang lebih punya nama dibandingkan dengan ”Mie Sedaap” yang asli. Hal ini tentunya sangat merugikan WINGSFOOD karena adanya persamaan pada pokoknya tersebut dapat berdampak pada merosotnya omzet penjualan produk “Mie Sedaap” itu sendiri. Selain itu, juga merugikan konsumen yang memang menggemari “Mie Sedaap” karena mereka merasa tertipu apabilamereka salah membeli produk hanya karena tidak memperhatikan jumlah huruf “a” pada merek.
Dari sisi HAKI (Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual), produk dagang “Mie Sedaap” yang pertama bisa menuntut prusahaan Supermi atas produk yang dianggap meniru produk daganya. Dalam kasus ini, Supermi Sedaaap melanggar hak milik industri terkait dengan merek produk, desain tulisan, atau kemasan yang sama atau hampir sama. Hak milik industri ini berlaku selama 10 tahun, jika setelah jangka waktu tersebut produsen, dalam hal ini WINGSFOOD, tidak mendaftarkan lagi produk dagangnya, maka perusahaan lain baru bisa mengambil alih penggunaan merk dagang tersebut.

Aku dan Sekitarku: tugas tekkom... mak nyosss...

Aku dan Sekitarku: tugas tekkom... mak nyosss...